
SEEK DAILY Nigeria Baptist Convention Saturday, April 11



Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

RBT Passage: 1 Kings 6-7

‘For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.’ – (1 Corinthians 15: 53, NIV)

A Professor of Biology made it his custom to stand before his students holding up a little seed between his thumb and forefinger. He had spent his whole life studying the beginning of life, and he acknowledged to his students that it was still a mystery to him. He said: ‘I know exactly what this seed consists of in the exact proportions of water, carbon, and other elements. I can mix these individual elements and make a seed that will look exactly like this one. If I plant the seed that I have compounded, it will rot. The various elements I have put together will be absorbed by the ground. However, if I sow the seed that God made, it will spring up into a plant because it contains that mysterious element we call life.’ The physical resurrection of Christ is just as much a mystery. The life you now possess which causes your body to function and renew itself continually, and not collapse into a putrefying mass, is also a mystery.
He, therefore, who in the beginning created our present corruptible bodies, will also create a new incorruptible body which we shall carry in eternity. Let God’s Spirit rule your life here and you will be raised to enjoy an imperishable life in heaven.

Insight: The resurrection of Christ guarantees our own lives

Prayer: Lord, let the resurrection power bring to life everything the enemy has killed in me.

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