
SEEK DAILY (NBC) Saturday, August 13, 2022


Bible Text: Matthew 9:35-38

Memory Verse: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:38, NIV

A farmer once planted seeds on a very large farm with less stress. But when it was time for harvesting the crops, he observed that more labourers would be needed for the harvest. He however employed more labourers who made the harvesting faster, easier and effective.

A large number of people are still wandering in sin because they are yet to hear the gospel. Jesus went around different villages and towns, preaching to people to be saved (vs. 35).

He observed that a large number of them are still held captive by the devil. So, Jesus had compassion on them because they are yet to have Jesus, so as have to eternal life (vs. 36).

He told his disciples to pray that the Lord may raise and send more workers to the harvest field.

Are you saved? God wants you to be saved. He is counting you as his worker that must respond to the call to save the lost.

He wants you to look at the harvest fields around you, family, community and school and bring them back to Him. Reach out to the harvest field today. Do not linger any longer because you will give account.

Insight: He who wins Souls is wise.

Prayer: Lord empower me for greater harvests in your Kingdom.

RBT Passage: Jeremiah 31-32

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