Bible Text: Exodus 17:8-16
Memory Verse: Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner. Exodus 17:15, NIV
On October 28th, 312AD, Emperor Constantine marched to the war with His soldiers with the initials of Christ interwoven with a cross written on the shields of his soldiers and the banners they carried. This was as a result of a vision he had on the night before. He claimed he saw a cross-shaped trophy formed from light in the sky with a text which reads “In this sign, you will conquer”. He won the war decisively.
Under the leadership of Joshua and guidance of Moses, the Israelites were confronted with a menacing Amalekites army. It took the divine intervention of God and raising of the rod in the hands of Moses, on the mountain by Aaron and Hur for them to be victorious. In response to the victory and acknowledgment that victory belongs to God, Moses built an altar and called it, “The LORD is my Banner”.
To win the battle of our lives, we must raise the banner of Christ high in all areas of our lives. It is only through the banner of Christ that we can win all battles. It is not by our strength, intelligence or brilliance but by the Spirit and grace of God, that we can overcome the enemy. Raise up the Banner, raise it high!
Insight: Never do anything without God, your Banner.
Prayer: Father, let your banner of victory go with me always.
RBT Passage: Acts 1-3