
Dare to be different [SEEK DAILY (NBC)]

Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Bible Text: 2 Corinthians. 6: 14-18


Memory Verse: “What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God…” 2 Corinthians 6:16, NIV

A Christian stands in pure light, and the closer to God he or she gets, the purer the light becomes. He or she is transformed by the light and then becomes a source of that light. Non-Christians are spiritually blind and stand in darkness. A lost person cannot understand spiritual things apart from God. This is the basis for today’s clarion call.

The problem is that many Christians want to stand with one foot in the light and one foot in the darkness. This is what Elmer Towns described as “twilight Zone” and exactly what Apostle Paul warned the Corinthian church against. He made them to realize they have become God’s temple and they must live in a way that there will be a clear difference from those who live for the devil; they must dare to be different.

It’s difficult today to differentiate believers in Christ from people of the world, especially in the way we talk, dress and conduct our business. Are you living as light in the midst of this perverted generation? Can people see you and see the beauty of Christ around you? You can live in this world without getting contaminated with its corrupt practices. Be conscious that you are an ambassador. Receive grace to be a faithful representative of Christ.

Insight: Light and darkness don’t mix.

Prayer: O Lord I receive Your grace to radiate Christ light around me.

RBT Passage: Deuteronomy 5-8

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