
#Fact : Believers don’t enter into Covenant with God

(Rather, believers are by-product of God’s covenant)

Before you enter into any covenant practices with God, ask yourself, did God send me?

All covenant is FULFILLED “in Christ” not in you establishing another covenant with Him or empty promises.

In fact, CHRIST is the covenant of God not us.
God did not enter into covenant with man but with himself before redeeming man.

He Only want us to receive All he has freely given to us, by faith ALONE.
Ours is to receive all the benefits of the COVENANT by faith Only not entering another covenant after salvation.

Hebrew 11:6
Without faith it is impossible to PLEASE God.

(It didn’t say without covenant)
God requires only FAITH from us to receive all he has already made available for us “in Christ” not we entering special covenant with him to please Him or receive any thing from Him.

Outside faith “in Christ”, any human covenant altar is useless and powerless.

πŸ‘‰Covenant of wealth.

πŸ‘‰Covenant of protection.

If I hear! 🀩

Were you in covenant with him to save you, in the first place?

While think now that you must covenant with him to protect or prosper you?

Read this yourself;
God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won’t he freely give us everything else?.
Romans 8:32 (CEVUK)

Bro/Sis, come by out of religion because there no rest in it.
The believer is a by-product of covenant God cut with him and himself alone.

All things are already yours.
Blood purchased all, starting from divine health to eternal security.
Ours is to place our faith in the finished work and enjoy rest.

Trying to establishing another human covenant with God outside the finished work is religion, unbelieve and making mockery of Jesus sacrifice for you on the cross.

πŸ‘‰Religion has vowed not to allow most Christians enjoy rest.
One can NEVER experience rest outside faith in Christ. Selah!

The true gospel points men to CHRIST finished work, ONLY.
Place your right hand on your head and repeat after me; My Father! My Maker! I deliver myself from performance mentality in Jesus name. Amen?

Quit covenanting and start receiving GOD LIFE.
All things are yours.
(See1 Cor 3:21)
And The FATHER is glorified.

(I speak as a child, after all “kini omo de mo”? what does a child know?)πŸ€ͺ

With love.

God speed!

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