
Why you must not fail in discharging your family responsibility

Why you must not fail in discharging your family responsibility

If you are a single person, before you get married, close one eye in prayer and open the other eye in looking so you can see why you must not fail in discharging your family responsibility. If they tell you love is blind, I agree.. love maybe blind but marriage is the eye opener. Therefore, look very well! Because it will determine everything, it may even determine where you will spend eternity. Because there is no institution on earth where your faith will be tried and put under pressure like the institution of marriage. When you get married, you move from patience to endurance, from endurance to long suffering. And if you do not have the capacity and the tenacity and the strength, when kids comes in, the story may be sour.


One reason Why you must not fail in discharging your family responsibility is that :

No Sunday school can help you train your children, your child is like plain sheet of paper, you write what you like.

Your mother can not help you write..

Your pastor can not help you write..

The teachers in school can not help you write..

It is your responsibility to write!

Most times when your kid says that they don’t want to go to school.. Stop beating that child and listen to the child.. who knows!

One lady said to me, she noticed that her five years old daughter was itching in her private part. So, she took her to the doctor. She got the rootest shock of her life, the driver that takes her to school everyday, while driving put his fingers in her private part and messed that girl’s destiny.

And some of you are so busy, and your child is even saying “I don’t want to go to school”, you won’t even listen! Children have feelings, maybe there is something going on.

Some of you father’s, you are winning everywhere but you are nowhere. Men, you have never helped your children with take home assignment, to even detect whether they are teaching them rubbish… you are not even aware!

Many people in authorities are messing up with our kids and some of us don’t even know.. You let you children sleep out, you let them attend parties, and the Holy Ghost is telling you that something is wrong and you silent him.. Let’s wake up!

People that dont care about their children, that dont invest into their children, time will tell! It is in the evening of person’s life, he will realised whether he had children or not..

Credit :

written by Hamza S Gambo

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